
Last night was not good.
Last night was bad.
Real bad.

I had to rip out seams.


A little over an hour into assembling Trenton's quilt top, a thought occured to me.
"I should check the pattern."
Oh, if that had only had that thought a little earlier...

Turns out I had sewn together 5 strips without the background fabric in between.


Not happy.

So, in my frustration, I tossed it aside to cool off.

I did work a bit on my Christmas Tree Skirt, but only a little.

Then I headed upstairs with hubby, turned on Big Bang Theory, and proceeded to rip.
And rip.
And rip.

Oh, it makes me sad just thinking about it. :(


But - I can't put it together wrong.  I just can't.

Lesson learned - check the pattern.
Every. Single. Time.
